Sunday, February 1, 2015

Oh My Life....

            Okay, I have not been blogging because there has been so much going on. I have had the worst January ever. January is supposed to be great! It's a new year! Yipee! Not really. So, today I thought I would share everything that has happened with you.

             All of you know my hamster named Tilly. Well, one morning I woke up and went to go visit her. Every morning I woke her up and had snuggles with her. I am so sorry to tell you that this specific morning Tilly was not in the cage. She was gone. Nowhere to be found. Then, I started thinking, "Don't panic! She could be under the bedding, or behind her log cabin, maybe behind her bridge!" Nope! She was gone. Then, I called my mom in the office and told her everything. Next thing you knew we had food all over the floor in hopes she would return home. But, the thing is, underneath all of our cabinets there are little holes that go behind them. So, we sent Big Papa out to go get an 80 dollar camera

 that you can stick up things to see in them. If that makes any sense. Then three days passed by and there was no evidence that Tilly was awake  or had come out of her hiding spot. We gave up all hope.

             One day while my mom and I were sitting in the dentist she asked me, "Do you want to go look at hammys?"  Now, Iv'e  never been one to grieve and mope around for a really long period of time.
 So of course I said yes. When my mom and I walked into the pet store, we saw a little hamster that looked exactly like Tilly. Both of us started to cry and agreed it was too soon. Then, we looked at the guinea pigs. We stared to talk a bout how long they live, how they don't have the drive to escape, and how interactive they are. Next thing you know we come home with two little piggies. You have to get two or else they get very sad and lonely. One of them was named Pip and the other is named Shelby. So darn cute!

               One night while I was about to go to my sister's house, I decided to clean the pig's cage. When I do so, I let them run around and free range for a while. I put Shelby down and she ran away happily. That day, Pip had been sleeping all day. When I picked her up, she felt so limp. Then, she let out a distressed scream and then I started to get worried. I put her down on my lap and she wouldn't move. So, I put her on the floor. She started to walk like a cat that was put under for a surgery and it was all drugged up. Then, Pip had a seizure and started to gasp for air. The funniest and saddest part of it all was my dad tried to do CPR on her. He looked at me and said, "Baby, I..... I don't know... How to do CPR on a guinea pig..." Just after that Pip passed away.

                That night while my mom, dad, and I sat in my bed my mom and my dad agreed that they both could smell dead rodent in the kitchen. So, the next day, I went to gymnastics, my mom took the dead guinea pig back to the pet store to get a refund, and my dad took apart the stove to find Tilly. She got up a pipe and died there. It was the most horrific day of my life.

                 Meanwhile we are signing adoption applications for guinea pig rescues to get our baby a new sissy. Then, we met Megan Johnson. AKA Meg. They hit it off so well. I will never ever forget the look of Shelby popcoring in the air and her little ears wiggling all over the place and her back feet flying strait out behind her. Then, we were on our way home with two pigs in the back seat

                  So that was the past this is the future. Meg and Shleb are doing great aside from that Shelb is like five in. smaller than Meg but it's whatevs. Also, we think Shelby has Ringworm on her side so that's great too! Yipee! Again! Also, we have learned that we are never ever ever buying a pet from the pet store again. I mean when my mom handed the dead guinea pig over to the clerk wrapped in a beautiful cloth in a box with daisy ribbon on it she said, "Have a nice day!" Like really!? I will say that is our punchline now for when we are having a really bad day. So laddies and gents do not ever buy a pet from and pets store ever. It most likely will not go well. That's pretty much it in a nut shell! Thank you for stopping by and reading!

Oh yeah, Have a nice day!

Little miss Shelby 

Shelby and Meg